Education Committee
The development of human resources is a critical component in building the capacity of local government in New Brunswick. As such, the role of the Association of Municipal Administrators of New Brunswick (AMANB) Education Committee is vital in ensuring that the training, educational, and professional development needs of its membership are being addressed.
The mandate of the Association of Municipal Administrators of New Brunswick (AMANB) Education Committee is:
● to regularly identify, examine and review the training, educational, and professional development needs of New Brunswick local government decision-makers, and, where possible, to take actions which will positively address these, and other needs which are identified;
● to identify specific topics that can be addressed through seminars, workshops, discussion forums, and conferences;
● to assist in the facilitation and organization of training, educational, and professional development programs, which might include seminars, workshops, special discussion forums, and conferences;
● to identify resources needed by municipal decision-makers, such as publications, manuals, videos and, where appropriate, undertake the necessary actions for their development;
● to make recommendations to the AMANB Board of Directors on matters pertaining to
municipal training, education, and professional development;
● to provide feedback to such organizations as the College of Continuing Education Dalhousie University, the College of Extended Learning University of New Brunswick, the Université de Moncton, the New Brunswick Department of Environment and Local Government and the New Brunswick Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour regarding existing municipal training and professional development programs
(topics, structure, locations);
● to review and discuss changes taking place in New Brunswick municipal government and identify potential implications for municipal training, educational, and professional development initiatives; and
● to promote and encourage municipal training and professional development in New Brunswick local government and, in particular, among the AMANB membership.
The chairperson is to be appointed in accordance with the Constitution of the AMANB.
Workshops and seminars will be held at various locations around the Province when and where possible.
Meetings are to be held in various municipalities across New Brunswick. Specific locations for upcoming meetings will be determined at the conclusion of each Education Committee meeting.
Meetings will be held at least four times a year (normally between September and June). Meeting dates for upcoming meetings will be determined at the conclusion of each Education Committee meeting.
Consideration will be given to having a broad cross-section of municipal employees represented on the Education Committee to having representation from both Francophone and Anglophone communities.